I hear Saddam has been executed. I also heard that there is some cell phone recording of the incident. I can’t help but imagine that this was planned. How does anyone get away with filming the execution then launching it on the web? It must be some tactic to let all his supporters know that he is 100% dead. I also feel the hearing went on quite quickly. I have really mixed feelings about this whole war, as many other people do.
Apparently the death toll of American soldiers has clocked 3,000. Isn’t that how many dies in the attack that spurred this war? What is the toll on Iraqi civilians? Why does that always get played down? Soldiers signed up to fight and possibly die; they know what they are getting into. I do not have much sympathy for them. But when a kid gets shot or bombed on the way to school, that’s fucked up…
On top of all this we had to loose the Godfather of Soul too, just when he was planning a tour that would take him through Ghana. The man WAS the hardest working man in show business. He had some issues over the last few years but he came up fighting and gave a ton of hope to the people who needed it. And I got to admit that on some days, he just made me FEEL GOOD! There are just not enough positive people on this planet.
The polar ice caps are really melting? This is one of the reasons I do not want to bring any children into this world, unless they can have gills. But seriously, as if I do not have enough to worry about. The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and I am still a capitalist pig. I guess one of the reasons I do not like watching the news is because when I do, I feel I have absolutely no control over anything. The actions of a few jar heads in power pretty much dictate my fate on this planet. Even if I actually buy a fantastic beach front property, it could be 25 feet underwater before I even spend a night there. Or worse yet some fascist government or tribal war lord might make it impossible for me to live there. Sometimes I think it is better to just live with hoarse blinds on and enjoy the simple things life has to offer on a day to day basis. Fuck injustice, fuck politicians, fuck opinions, fuck TV, fuck Gillette, fuck war, and fuck peace.

Political cartoons can sometimes be a great way to get to know what's making headlines around the globe. Yes, there's been a lot of noise recently about Global Warming, but not enough. We individually need to do more about it and are capable of doing so. If we put on the blinds and pretend like nothing is going on, then the chances of the earth's climatic change posing a grim outlook for our children is more likely than if we act compassionately towards the earth in our own little way. In so many ways, we the people are the government and the society. Our day to day decisions and lifestyle choices (eg. using public transport more frequently and switching off your pc at night) do collectively have an impact on the bigger picture.
This is a prime example of a compelling cartoon (the melted ice-caps and santa) that gives no thought to the other side of the argument.... Over 10,000 yrs ago glaciers covered N-America however this icesheet is gone because the planet warmed up without any influence from mankind or its industries. Cycles of cooling and warming occur repeatedly over Earth's history. There is evidence that suggests variations in Earth's spin axis and orbital shape drive climatic oscillations and that they may be related to Solar output....nothing to do with Global Warming. But now, because environmentalist have been able to raise billions of $$$s in grants and contributions it gives politicians (eg Al Gore etc...) opportunities to pose as prophets of doom and slayers of evil corporations, portraying Nature and Mother Earth as victims, the blame falls to the ‘evil humans.’
I've found so many people so willing to beleive the case for Global Warming because they want to beleive it, they want to think that humans and corporations are ruining the planet and we have to do something about it. Remember politicians play easily on things that we want to beleive, or have we forgotten "the population bomb" "global cooling" or "electromagnetic waves" all politically motivated hypotheticals that at some point were given as much attention as "global warming"
I personally am not fully convinced about the case for global warming for a multitude of reasons. Dont be so easily swayed by such cartoons or advocacy groups, find out for yourself both sides of the coin.
who would have thunk it that we actually have some intelects here? very insightful opinions guys. I have to say, I never looked at it the way Kubolo put it. And it makes a lot of sense too. When I take of my blinds I will look into the matter again. As for now, my only goal is FRIDAY!!
dishoom dishoom
life is still shit for many and bush is a cock, but don't be too negative dude! People sometimes forget how much better the world is today than say just 100 years ago. Some examples: Indonesia, India, China, Malaysia, S Korea etc. Things ARE getting better. Read some history books of the 18th/19th/20th century and then you really will see some serious shit: Hitler,Stalin, war everywhere, racism everywhere etc etc...
Despite the corrupt politicians, economists and scientists along with many others are trying to make this world a better place.
All good stuff for liberals to sit around and read and laugh about. The rest of us have to go to work and pay taxes to support the liberal fun crowd.
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