Monday, March 26, 2007

Afro Party at Comrades

Comrades is a pretty cool club here in GZ that I frequent. It is not really a club as much as a private bar. It is owned and operated by a slim French Canadian, with an outsized attitude. The drinks are extremely affordable (non-profit) and the owner runs the bar himself, always. Many people find him a bit abrasive, but personally I like him, and I dig the place. They have some very eclectic DJ’s jamming there on the weekends and the atmosphere is extremely comfortable and safe. The only way into or out of the club is through a thick steel sound proof door that is guarded by an exceptionally high tech digital video camera. You would usually have to call the owner to open the door or have a friend on the inside who would do that for you. And once you are in it is customary to stay in. Wandering in and out of the club is not really an option. Last, last weekend we headed over there for a farewell party for Simone, Lars, and Mari. It was an Afro 70’s theme.

Now Comrades being a private club does attract the wrong attention at times, so on this particular night there was a bit of a police raid. At about 1am there was banging on the door. We turned down the music but the booze was still flowing for about an hour until they opened up. For that whole time the cops stood outside banging on the thick steel door as we watched them on the security cameras. When we did begin to leave they simply left as well so there was no real drama, contrary to what is being said the street. I am not sure which street I might be referring to either.
It was an awesome night overall and the company made it what it was worth. Mahalo. This weekend was equally fascinating and I am really beginning to feel the night life in Guangzhou. I have made some friends that really bring in the flavor and I will be posting more pictures in the near future. For now it is still Monday, so back to the grind.

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