I, along with numerous other bloggers I read regularly, have written about, and link to
Post Secret. It is “an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard”. It is a really cool concept and has proven to be an effective way for people to lighten the variety of burdens they bare. They have released numerous books and have gained quite a worldwide following. You can purchase their books to see all submissions, but if that is not possible, they post a selection of the postcards they receive on their blog every Sunday. That’s Monday for me in the Far East. I look forward to Mondays, reading through Post Secret. Not only are the postcards extremely artistic and visually stimulating, they are also very introspective. While some cards are light hearted, others dig really deep and are capable of stirring up some scary emotions. This was actually started as a project to help people with suicidal tendencies. And it has worked. Not all the time, but sometimes I find postcards that I can really relate to, and in some ways it is comforting to know that you are not alone in the way you feel. And that gives you some strength to deal with yourself or other challenges you have around you. Post Secret is one of those sites that are worth bookmarking and checking religiously every Monday, or Sunday morning. Do yourself a favor. Sometimes the pressure in life can be overwhelming and people make bad decisions. Its important to remember that no matter how bad things get there is always a way out.
I can so relate to this but I never thought it was a bad thing, just good entertainment. There is some great stuff up there today all about Fathers Day. Give it up for all the good Dads out there! I took my dad and uncle out for dinner last night. We had a great time and we spent the day together too.
What did you get up to on Fathers Day?
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