I am sure there have been some seriously critical reviews about The Deathly Gallows online. The whole Harry Potter craze kind of went overboard, and that is a severe understatement. All the hype and media coverage surrounding the book is bound to put new readers off rather than draw them in, plus the whole movie franchise got so many of my friends saying, ‘Ill wait till the film comes out’. I remember when the first book became such a hit, the media was all about how kids and grownups alike all have their noses stuck between the pages of books again rather than spending every spare moment they have transfixed to the eerie blue glow of their television sets. But with this last episode it seems they are more concerned with weather a spoiler has been leaked, how much money the author has pulled in, and what life has in store for us after Harry has left the building.

Criticism sprouted soon after the release of the first Harry Potter book as people wondered what fate awaited Harry and weather Rowling could keep up with the momentum that was building. The pressure must have been immense for this first time author and many noble people have been known to crack and buckle faced with the promise of fame and fortune as she was. But throughout the process I think it is safe to say that Rowling has kept a really cool head and maintained her integrity. She did give into a movie deal but in today’s day and age, that is a given. And as long as she can insure the quality of HP outcrops, I think she should milk the franchise for all its worth. Plus being a reader even I was eager to see how her creations would translate to film. The pressure never seemed to let up till she finally released the final installment of the Harry Potter chain, and even now the press is all over her case to find out what she will write next. And although numerous critics have poked holes through the plots of her volumes and bitched and whined about how she has treated her characters, I must say I have no complaints at all. NONE WHATSOEVER…
Ultimately the story has been the writers to tell and in my opinion she gave me the greatest gift, the inspiration to read. Every time a Harry Potter book has come out I have been in a reading slump where I got nothing good to read. Once I pick up the latest Harry Potter, for some reason I cannot put it down. And apart from the reasons listed above, I cant say why they are so addictive. I savor each page and literally cant even put the book down while I eat. My TV goes though serious neglect for that week as well. But the best part is that when I am done reading that book, I get the bug, and I have to keep on reading more, and more, and more. Reading Harry Potter reminds me of how much fun it can be to read a good book and for months after I need to keep looking for the next fix, another great escape, and I love it. That being said, To Ms. Rowling Thanks for the ride mate!
**I heard that there is a sort of Harry Potter world in development. How fucking cool would that be? You can just imagine the number of rides they could come up with using the material from the books, not to mention how they can design the whole look and theme of the park from the areas, streets, and building, to all the food and drinks sold in the stores. This place could be awesome! How much fun would that be to work on that project? Just found some info on it here.
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