DOB: Unknown

At Indo Dreamin’ we don't just appreciate chicks with big butts, we dig women with big brains too. Thats why the Babe of the Week this week is Ms. Ghida Fakhry. Most of you have probably have never heard of her before, and we aim to bring under glorified hotties into the spotlight. Some of you might recognize her as the gorgeous female English News Anchor on Al-Jazeera. Al-Jazeera for those of you who don't know is currently one of the best news channels on cable television today. Al-Jazeera gives way more balanced news than CNN or BBC. FOX News I am sure we can all agree is the most ignorant news provider on the planet. Back to the Babe, Ghida Fakhry is of Lebanese origin and has pretty impressive reume, although I am sure that is not what you are interested in. I wish I had some juicy photographs of Ghida Fakhry in a bikini or less, but the fact of the matter is that this chick has made a pretty slick job of staying clean. There are NO sultry photographs or video clips available of her online. But we can always hope her career takes a nose dive and she is enticed to pose for The Heff. For now we can get our kicks watching the Al-Jazeera news channel.
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