Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Lost in Transion

So here I am in Dubai airport. It is now 12pm. I got in around 5am and linked up with Amit. He got in a couple hours before me and was supposed to have the whole hotel deal hooked up and what not. But he did not have a Dubai visa. And the best part is I am not even surprised. When traveling with Amit these upsets are expected so taking it all in stride we found our way to the Irish pub in the departure are where we have proceeded to get, pissed, and more pissed. I have even stopped worrying about where the hell my luggage is! We have a rough plan for what we want to do for the next for days… Actually we don’t. I have been busting my ass for the last 3 months and this is time to revert to the old me. Anything can happen now. Wish me luck.

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