So of course at first the guys thought this was a joke. If it was it would have been a pretty expensive one because these kits don’t come cheap. But the truth is that after I sampled some of their products myself I was just blown away. Seriously, I feel like I have been missing out on so much. I got this awesome facial wash that you use right before you take a shave; it prepares your skin for shaving. Not only that but it really makes me feel fresh as well. It totally softens the hair on my face so that when I shave it is so effortless. In the kit you also get this Hydra Energetic Anti-Fatigue Cream. When you come home after work and give your face a good scrub then massage some of this cream in, I tell you I feel like a fucking million dollars. I am defiantly not what I would consider a metro sexual male, but I cannot even express verbally how much pleasure I have found in the L’OREAL skin care products. It is not about preserving my boyish good looks or even keeping myself healthy, it is just so bloody refreshing.
It is funny that for so many years I have been content using Gillette which is probably the most mass produced male cosmetics for men on the planet. It is probably the most popular but definitely not the best. When buying clothes, food, furniture, or cars most people will consider buying the best product they can afford or at least what they purchase against the best available product on the market. But for some reason when it came down to products I used on my face an average of 4 times a week, I just took the first thing that was thrown at me. And I used it for 15 years! I feel like a total idiot now. There are so many products out there that I cast wait to try now. I am still stuck using a Gillette Sensor blade because that is the only thing available to me now, but not for long. I came across this company, Taylors of Old Bond Street recently and their products look off the hook. This nickel plated butterfly razor is something I can’t wait to get my hands on. Taking a shave is something I do so often that it should be a pleasure, not a pain in the ass. It’s not just Taylors who have been making superior facial care products for men but also some old school Russian family run businesses that have tuned shaving to an art form. Badger hair brushes and customized shaving creams are only the tip of the iceberg. From here on in I vow never to use Gillette unless I have no other choice. There is a whole new world open to me now and I can’t wait to try out everything it has to offer. So boys, don’t knock it till you have tried it. You are special, you are worth it, pamper yourself.

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