Its not that I am fucking jobless, but I actually only find these games to keep you entertained. Who the hell am I kidding? It’s a quiet afternoon and apart from watching my neighbors flog the thief they caught 20 minutes ago there has not really been much else going on. Although it was pretty entertaining watching 40 motorcycles congregate and bring traffic to a stand still just so each person could administer one tight slap to each of the 2 felons. I did not have a camera around so I will leave it up to your imagination, but I will say that I saw a few good flying kicks and a couple of roundhouses. It seemed like the praeman (thugs) in my area were taking full advantage of the human punching bags that circumstances provided.
Without further a due, this is
Mole-in-One. If you like golf, you will dig this. And if you like hitting rodents (as most of us Jakarta dwellers do) this will tickle your pallet even more. Practice makes perfect so let’s see how high you can score.
Not surprisingly, it doesn't work on our office computer...
you been missing out on all these great games. damn the finewall!!
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