“RELAX God is on Control” I guess that is the laid back attitude with which many Ghanaians choose to face life. In some way I guess this might be viewed as a positive thing. But on the other hand I came across a receptionist the other day that seemed to live by the rule above. I was beyond frustrated I tell you.
The taxi’s and busses across the city are plastered with numerous slogans and stickers. It is one of the beauties in Ghana. Maybe one day I can share more pictures with you. Ro? One day soon.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Laid Back...
Friday, October 28, 2005
If all goes well we should be spending the weekend up at Cape Coast. I am looking forward to getting out to the beach. Also today is my last day of work pretty much so I can totally devote my self to doing absolutely nothing but getting pissed for the next few days.
Here are some pictures I took at the Legon University in Accra. It is truly one of the most serene places I have been. As kids our families would take us there for evening picnic/chai (tea) sessions. Being there brought back some very fond memories.

Legon University is located on top of a hill and a HUGE area around it as well. There are many gardens and fields that I have not explored yet. The architecture is extremely unique. The building must have been built back in the 60’s but it makes such a good use of space and form.

Most of my pictures are taken around the central tower but driving around the campus you can notice how the ponds, courtyards, gardens, and buildings all blend in with the landscape and atmosphere rather than come out of it. I truly love this place. Not to mention all the hot chicks that were walking around throwing me smiles.

Thursday, October 27, 2005
Jazz Tone
Nestled within the Airport residential area in Accra is a neglected bar called JAZZ TONE. It is small and hidden away but what they lack in presence, they make up for in atmosphere and music. They also have great weekly specials.
JAZZ NTONE is tucked in between large houses and may not be easy to find. I went there this afternoon after work to wind down for a few drinks. There were not too many people there but it was cozy and the music was good. The décor was not fancy at all but yet it was fresh. The sofa’s need to be softer though. The drums were a sweet touch.
The bar was well stocked and they kept the JD flowing. All in all it is nothing to rave about but it is a nice place to cut the afternoon. The bar man Desmond is a champ and now as soon as I walk in he lines me up with a JD coke in a tall glass with lots of ice. CHALE, I don’t waste time oh!!!
So as I write this I have just got home and it is 7am. Let’s hope this uploads. I apologize for the quality of my posts but I am lazy… For the time being, I hope you can enjoy a bit of Ghana.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
The Hammer Falls
I am still not able to connect to, spend as much time, or connect as frequently, to the internet as I would like. I mostly spend my days running all over town working and the minute I am done I try to get a posse together to go play at the pubs with me. So far I have managed to score a crew every day but the crowd is slowly getting thin. Rishi and Ro, you would be proud to know that Amit is holding his own and he is giving me good company. He still cant take my ass at pool though. I had to school him prison style.
I have been taking loads of pictures and I should be able to post them up with ease when I get back to JKT. I can never get over the sky here. Yesterday afternoon there were storm clouds that were coming in very low, dark grey (almost black) at their base and getting lighter at their tops, and densely packed. But above and around the tight cluster of clouds, the sky was still bright blue. I actually had to pull over and just chill and smoke a cigarette watching the clouds float by in the distance. This is what I miss about Ghana.
Tomorrow the Lebaran holidays should start which means JKT will be shut down for a good 10 days. This makes my efficiency go down the drain here but I still have to keep busy. I would love to take a few days off and go chill up the coast. It would beat the hell out of going back to Indo so maybe Ill make it happen. Here is to another day.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I have just come to realize this week that I have never really been pulled into these “tug of wars” in all the years I lived here. It is actually possible to function within the social group here and avoid the back biting that goes with it. That is if you still care enough to hang out with these people, and I do.
My mates here in Accra are hilarious. And for every negative thing I can say about the life style or society here I can probably say 10 good things about my friends. I have been having a wonderful time here and in some ways I feel like I never left. So I guess what I am feeling, sitting here at 7am, is some sort of a sense of spiritual balance. Although I have neglected conventional philosophies for religion and spirituality over the last few years, I have in my own way managed to attain some sort of balance and integrity.
But who knows. As these things go I might find my self flat on my ass by the end of the day. I am gonna chill for an hour or 2 and watch India thrash Sri Lanka in cricket. India has already made 350-6 so even if Sri Lanka catches up it will be amazing to watch. They have gotten off to a pretty awesome start as well.
This here is a picture of my room mate Patty. She snores almost as loud as me and she has more attitude than a Russian Baroness.
Monday, October 24, 2005
I hit a club called Aphrodisiac last night. It is located in the airport residential area. It is a house converted to a club and it is sort of an after hours joint. It usually kicks till 6am. We were there in a relatively large group last night. I was walking out of the club to see a few of my mates who were chillin outside. As I walked into the courtyard I heard the sound of gun shots.
Let me tell you that I have never seen so many people hit the ground so fast before. I was the last down and when I looked up there were 3 soldiers standing in front of us holding machine guns and ordering is to stay down. I have never been in a situation like this before and this is not something that happens a lot in Ghana, but when we were entering the club that night there was a little commotion that probably led to this.
But chale, it was a scene and a half. All the moves I picked up over the years watching old war movies came back to me. Come and see the Indian brother with his face pressed to the concrete. Then I do a squatting run over to the gazebo where my buddies were chilling. They had not yet hit the deck but then suddenly some soldiers came there to and ordered us into the building. Most people started booting and I almost dropped my Jack but I managed to save it and took cover behind a wall.
Looking out I could see Mr. Kumar standing in the middle of the parking lot like he was fucking bullet proof, just holding a kebab and eating. I heard more rapid gunfire and some screens, and the waiters were about to lock down the bar so I had to run out and get him. All this time the kebab seller is ducking down beside me and harassing me for payment. Only in Ghana I tell you.
So we spent choke time locked in the club, boozing and dancing. I went straight to the beach and only made it home around 1pm the next day. Loads of work to do this week so now back to serious mode. But dude, what a weekend. All because guys with small dicks need to buy guns.
Friday, October 21, 2005
I Am Foolish!
The guy I am with heard about and was very eager to go there. I also decided to take some friends whop were in the area and show off how I can order food in another language. Were you impressed?

The “Banana Leaf” is owned by an Indian family who recently moved here from Jakarta. The menu has Indian and Indonesian food on it and it is similar to Queens in Jakarta. The décor was clean but crap in the sense that it reflected nothing of Indonesia or its culture. They got these lighting up palm trees out side that probably demand notice but they look pretty ugly to me. Inported from JKT for sure.
However they did have Bintang beer and some other local stuff like sambal ABC and Kecap Manis. My Indon friend was on cloud fucking 9, like he had been deprived of his food for years!!! I wanted to kick him up side the head. I thought he had an orgasm when they sambal for him. What a freak.
So I made my Ghanaian friend (Amit) sample the Bintang and he really liked it. I also set it up right between 2 local beers, Star and Club. My choice is clear. As for my guest from Indo, he wanted to order a Bintang, until I told him I would have to take him outside and SHWWWIIIIIPPP him if he didn’t stop acting like such a fucking refugee.
Life has been good so far in Accra, and now that I have the wireless internet hooked up at home, I hope to put up some fresh photos every other day. Work has been fun and long. I am looking forward to a rough night tonight. Detty M!!!
From The Plane
Fortunately, about 20 minutes into the flight a HOT stewardess rolled up to me and said, “Avi, is that you?” And I said, “Why yes it is”. It turns out this old friend of a friend was a flight attendant on this flight... Thank you Ash, yes you now her, think… On the JKT-KL sector she gave me extra drinks, not to mention champagne. She also made me seem like a hero in front of the colleague I am taking with me.
Yes, I have started drinking again. It is so fucking cold on the plane. I am supposed to remain celibate and alcohol free so I was torn between taking a flight attendant into the restroom and creating sufficient body heat in 5 minutes to last the 7 hour journey to Dubai, or breaking down and sippin just a little bit of fire water to keep it real.
So here I sit, typing this shit and sipping JD. Some other bizzatch stewardess told me they have run out of JD. What kind of BS is that? Ah well. I will sip the 3 glasses I booked in advance and chat with my new friend. I shudder at the thought of facing actual human beings in the airport tomorrow that will actually expect to hear something semi coherent to slip out from between my lips.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Chillin' at Mercury
I am already turning my head in every which direction driving down the street, admiring the juicy booties walking around Osu. Just letting yall know I am alive and happy to be back home. Just driving around the streets I feel so good to be back. I think I am gonna extend this trip.
Ill try and hit up some pictures tonight with the post I made on the plane. Getting here was a fucking adventure and a half that took 23 hours. I cant wait to dig into some local grub and star beers.
Monday, October 17, 2005
I’m Gone
After all Ghana is home for me. I am looking forward to spending the weekends at the beach and eating all the local food that I have missed so much. I will be meeting some old friends as well. Most of the time I should be pretty busy with this project I am working on but that is definitely a good thing. Accra breeds alcoholics. But I cant wait to sip on that chilled Star Beer. See you soon Amit.
Friday, October 14, 2005
We Love Boobies
Everybody loves boobs. Men are obviously are infatuated and women are also intrigued. Even they can appreciate a good natural set. They love what they got because it makes them different and special. And they know we crave it. As for kids, well their food comes from there so of course they are going to be drawn to breasts. Maybe that is where our obsession stems from. Freud would surely agree with that.
Over the last few decades women have been provided with the means of making their boobs even more attractive to other people. The Wonder Bra was a fucking break though. The person who invented that should be given the Nobel Prize for something or the other. Then we have fashion designers who are constantly creating new outfits that enhance cleavage and the “neck line”. And how can we forget the silicone implant. Women all over the world can now be whatever size they want. We even have breast reductions. There is a perfect tit out there for everyone!
All breasts are perfect as they are if you ask me. I do not like silicone tits either. I am an advocate of the natural form! I am not crazy about one particular type of boob over another (I like them all; I am not a boobist) but I recently read this article that features a new enhancement that has me singing a different tune (pun intended).
“Computer chips that store music could soon be built into a woman's breast implants. One boob could hold an MP3 player and the other the person's whole music collection. BT Futurology, who have developed the idea, say it could be available within 15 years.”
WHAT!!?? Yes, you heard it. Your whole music collection in your ladies breasts. What more do we need in life. And in case you are wondering, it is controlled by Bluetooth. And you can stick a USB cord up her ass to upload new songs! (kiddin) Your girlfriend/wife can now be an ipod with tits!!! They come in all colors and sizes. I wonder if bigger tits hold more songs. You can take your big breasted girl to your homies house party and hook her up to the speakers with Bluetooth. What will they do next, adjustable volume from one nipple and track search on the other?
*No offense to the ladies. I think that this is pretty damn ridiculous too.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Mail Order Wife
Among these films, I got my hands on a move called MAIL ORDER WIFE. It looked interesting but what I did not know at the time is that it was produced by Doug Liman, the director of Swingers. The cover I got does not resemble the poster below. In fact it looked a lot more depressing. But what can I say, I like depressing movies.

As the title suggests, the movie is about a guy who orders a “mail order wife”. I believe this is a real concept. I have heard about loads of operations like this running out of Eastern Europe. In this case the woman is from Burma. I will not give the story away as it is very interesting to watch it unfold. There are no wild twists or mysterious plots but it is fascinating to watch human behavior in these circumstances.
The entire film is shot in the form of a documentary. And surprisingly at times I found my self wondering if this was in fact a documentary. It was a very unique approach to the subject which I felt gave the film a more realistic aspect. The actor’s performances were all commendable but the most honorary mention must go to Eugenia Yuan, the girl who plays the bride. I mean, there were scenes where this girl really had me going. At some points when she was flipping out she reminded me of some Indo/Chinese girls I have dated and it was fucking scary!
Overall, this film is worth watching as a time pass and the end does pack a little punch. Well, maybe more of a titty twister than a punch. Mr. Indcoup, what was that British film you mentioned to me a while back? I was trying to look for it.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Abstinence and Ignorance
My staff is all fasting so that means there has been more of a work load on me, which is pretty fair I guess. Not eating between dawn and dusk is not that hard but having no water to drink all day is difficult. Around this time, things get quiet all around the city. In fact it is down right boring. I am hoping to be out of Jakarta by next Monday and off to Ghana. If I do make it there we are going to have some mouth watering posts. I have not been back home in 2 years so I am really looking forward to it.
So it’s back to the grindstone for me. This is a little something I came across the other day that I found interesting. I have said before that I aint no patriot so, make of it what you will.

"In the middle of 1965 India-Pakistan war, US govt - then a closefriend of Pakistan - threatened India with stopping food-aid (remember"PL-480"?). For a food deficient India this threat was serious andhumiliating. So much so that in the middle of war, Prime Minister(Late) Lal Bahadur Shastri went to Ram Leela Grounds in Delhi and appealed toeach Indian to observe one-meal-fast every week to answer the Americanthreat. As a school boy, I joined those millions who responded toShastriji's call. I continued the fast even when the war was over and Indiabecame self sufficient in food. Hurt deep by the national humiliationsuffered at the hands of the US govt, I had vowedto stop my weekly fast only when India starts giving aid to USA.It took just 40 years. Last week THE day arrived. When Indian ambassadorin Washington DC handed over a cheque of US$ 50 million to the US govt, twoplane loads of food, medical aid and other relief materials were waitingto fly to the USA. Time to break the fast? With no bad feeling about theUSA, and good wishes for the Katrina victims, this humble Indian feels proudof the distance India has covered in 40 years. Let's celebrate a NewIndia!"
- Vijay Kranti.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Now imagine what a 4” tongue could do to a lady!!

I guess this church posted both these signs at some point. Placed next to each other it does sound a little like they are promoting too much ‘brotherly love”.
This one just kinda makes me smile. So there is still hope for me.

Are the Methodists not Christians? I don’t quite get it. Either way it does not sound very open minded to me.

Well, you cant argue with simple logic.

That’s one of my favorite words too. And things to do as well. We have so much in common.

Don’t you just love religion?

This is very a bold testament. I would hate to live or even stand anywhere NEAR that sign.

This one makes a whole lot of sense.

Hmmm. Who do we ask? Not thought through at all, that one.

What is this Christian obsession with tongues?

What You Like?
I posted a write up a while ago that contained pictures of various old and cheesy R rated Indian films. In that post I had used the term SUHAG RAAT, which in Hindi literally means Honeymoon or more specifically, the first night the husband and wife spend together after marriage. Since then I have been getting at least 3 hits a week from people typing in those words and you can see here that Indo Dreamin’ is coming up in the top 30 out of 11,000 web sites!!! What exactly are these people looking for though? People who actually posted pictures of their honeymoon on a website or are they looking for tips on what to expect for the first time? I hope it is the latter.
Here are a few other key words that folks have typed in:
purush stree
what is suhag raat
pretty sexy jakarta women
silk smita
porno indo
There are quite a few other freaky words that have brought up my blog but by typing them out again I would only be leading my freaky friends in the wrong direction. I truly hope they can fulfill what ever fetish they have in mind. And might I add that there are some very strange fetishes I have heard about and even witnessed in my time. One that really makes me blur is a foot fetish. There are actually websites dedicated to this. I admit that feet can be quite sexy and even giving a girl a foot massage can be very sensual but what is so hot about this?
Another strange fetish is defecation. What could the pleasure in being pissed or crapped on? I understand that BDSM does satisfy some desires that have been created by the complex societies we live in. Whips, leather, handcuffs, and some spanking can be exciting. But some of these practices have become down right unhealthy. And something like this is not just obviously physically unhealthy but also mentally. You got to have some serious self esteem issues.
Since the internet has come to be we have access to a whole scope of information. I probably would not know half of the bizarre sexual crap I know now. In some ways that is pretty good and in others I guess it could be negative. But with all that said, to each his/her own. Just keep it safe.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Aloha Friday
The guys at Extreme Business released the product they would be marketing. I can not say I am too impressed. It is one of those bats that kill mosquitoes and flies. I am sure Rishi will remember these well. We had a bunch of them living in Ghana. My older brothers would torture me by electrocuting me with the damn thing. Don’t you just love siblings? I guess the only reason I am not so impressed is because it is such a common item but maybe that’s what they need. Also these bats are so fucking cheap out here. If they manage to sell enough I can ship them a whole container straight out of China! None the less I am excited to see how they sell the product and I wish them the best of luck.

There are so many websites and blog’s out there now that is pretty hard to find something you like and want to keep going back to. So someone came over here from a very cool site that features Beautiful Indian Women. Now this is not some sick-o porn site. It has actually got very stylish pictures of Indian models and actresses as well as your everyday cute Indian girls having a good time. Now who does not like looking at hot women? This site has “SO” been added to my favorites.
They got original images of well known acctesses and models.
As well as candid pictures of cute Indian girls just hanging out.
But as for this one. Inny, Surri.... I am in loowweee yaar. If any one knows this chick. Hook a brother up. And by the way, I saw her first.
Happy fuck faces yall, and have a good weekend.
Unlocking the Doors
Acid does not give one that jovial drunken feeling but rather draws you into the depths of your own thoughts and deep into your own body. Basically, it alters perception. For the 6 month period that experimented with the drug I saw the world in a completely different way. Looking back now, I probably had a better grasp on reality back then than I do now. There was that felling of belonging and understanding that so many people strive to achieve nowadays. One could argue that it is the introduction of a chemical into the system that creates that false sense of security but I believe LSD only brings to the surface what already exists below. It can not be compared to the blanket that drugs such as opium or heroin provides.
In a spiritual sense I like to compare it to meditation and enlightenment. Where some people meditate daily to unlock the doors of their subconscious, slowly, one by one, LSD throws the doors open letting all the buried thoughts rush out at once. It is kind of like the magic key giving one a glimpse into the TRUTH that exists and only remains to be understood. We are all aware that LSD can also have some very negative effects on the mind sometimes referred to as ‘bad trips’. I guess the human mind is sometimes just not ready to handle the TRUTH. I have had my fair share of shocks.
In my life right now I am so immersed in this so called reality that my revelations only remain memories in a clouded mind. However I know who and what I would be in my ideal world once the time comes. Over drinks with old friends I enjoy to relive these moments when everything made sense and I was at peace with my surroundings. Maybe one day I will once again be able to turn the key and unravel the madness that fills my brain and soul everyday. Or maybe I could give a fuck enough to take the slow road and work my way back to where I once was. Not to say that I am unhappy now but it is sort of like having seen what could be, what really exists, and moving away from it rather than towards it.
These are a series of pictures by an artist on LSD. He is sketching pictures of the man who administered him the drug. Complete details are available on this website. These are 9 pictures he drew over an 8 hour period while he was under the influence of LSD, in succession from the first hour to the last. I find the results very interesting to say the least. Check out the peak period in the middle. And by the end you can see how passive he is.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Cheap Travels Hawaii
Many people feel Hawaii is so over commercialized and full of tourists but I assure you, there are so many spots on the island that you can go to where you would be on your own. Not only on Oahu but also on the surrounding islands such as Kauai, Maui, Lanai, and Big Island. He could even give you personal tips on where to venture and find exactly what you are looking for. My buddy Ro spent many years on the Islands exploring waterfalls and beaches that are still unknown to the tourists.
So this is the link right to the boss, only here. Check out Cheap Travel Hawaii for all your travel needs from and within the US. And do yourself a favor and make a trip to Hawaii ASAP. This is a spot on Oahu called spitting caves. We use to come here and barbeque very often back in the day. It is called spitting caves and is located near Hawaii Kai, although you will need to know some locals to find it. The cliff is about 60ft up from the water and we used to jump off it into the mouth of the cave. This is not something I have the balls to do anymore. Many afternoons we would sit on the cliffs and watch the whales dance above the water as they swam by. From here we have also seen turtles and dolphins.

If you are in Hawaii or planning a trip to Hawaii, feel free to contact Brother Ro directly for inquiries and advice. Aloha.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Blog Pimpin'

Sounds of Silence
Well I guess we all have a choice. You don’t have to join the business world, or you can run your business in a new and alternative way where everyone can be the best they can be and live harmoniously like the Smurfs. Unfortunately I do not believe that is true anymore. Day after day we make compromises and soon enough you can’t even see the red line you said you would never cross. You could get a job, collect a salary, and not feel responsible for what the moral stance of the company is as a whole. But as some people say, if your part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
On the other hand, you could become a volunteer social worker and travel around the world, living in horrid conditions, and helping the less fortunate. I admire all people who choose water of wine and do not feel the need for wealth and power. They can be contented doing their small part to help the world, even though they work under an organization that might still corrupt. At the end of the day they are hands on helping people. Teachers also deserve praise. And not just teachers in 3rd world countries but also teachers in public schools everywhere. They put up with serious shit from kids, like I was, and they get very little in return. In fact most die without recognition.
Personally, I want to get to the very top. I want to provide the best for myself and my family, the best food, homes, and most essentially education. The harsh reality of it all is that these things cost money. And lots of money too. I have read that all men are created equal. That may be true but I can tell you for a fact we sure weren’t born equal. You just need to look at a picture of a street in Mumbai to understand that. Some people are driven. They can push their way out of a hole and on to a cloud. They can continue to fight against all odds to achieve their dreams and desires. Some people may see them as narcissists but if that can push you to achieve then who gives a fuck? When you get to the top then you can do all the things you don’t have the power to do now. You can help so many charities; you can sponsor your best friends’ rock band, open a bar, save homeless kids, re-build New Orleans, and start any business you think might work. Anything is possible.
Every day is a battle to not give in and take the easy way out. Sometimes there are opportunities that present themselves where you could stand to make a shit load of money and all you have to do is bend your rules a little bit. Just a little bit. Do you do it? It’s easy to say no now, but what if you got five mouths to feed and a roof to put over their head? We are not talking about selling a nuclear bomb to terrorists here, just a little bit of something that is not as nutritious as we claim it is. So it does not have all the vitamins in it that we printed on the box. What is the big deal anyways right? So you do something that rips of a rich government in some corrupt 3rd world country. That money was going to pay for a Presidential Villa in Switzerland anyways. Well if you don’t do it then you might as well kiss your $10,000,000 (Ten Million Dollars) pay day good-bye, for now at least.